3M Hearing Protection

3M’s hearing protection inventory is one of the most expansive on the market, and we proudly carry hundreds of their products, which you’ll find collected here. 3M prioritizes innovation, and are constantly fine-tuning and upgrading their products in continuity with their previous decades of research.
Many people don’t think much about hearing protection, leading to an underrepresentation of the ill effects of noise damage on the workforce. Damage to the sensitive hearing mechanisms in our ears can never be reversed, so a comprehensive hearing protection program is necessary to ensure that employees are aware of the risks. 3M’s products are industry leaders in this field, and can be relied upon for consistent and comprehensive protection from noise.
Five basic categories can be found on this page to streamline your shopping experience. Explore our inventory from earplugs to headphones, all with positive reviews and at costs that can’t be beat.
Earplugs: 3M earplugs are highly popular and respected, with a variety of designs and innovations that can be startling to someone unfamiliar with the possibilities of earplug technology. Here you’ll find basic roll-down earplugs, but also convenient push-to-fit models that can be inserted and removed without contamination. Push-to-fits are also designed with the shape of the ear canal in mind, providing a more natural experience.
Passive Protection: “Passive” in a hearing protection context simply means that the product blocks out all sound indiscriminately, rather than selecting which sounds to let through and which to block. Standard hearing protection has always technically been passive, with the distinction in terms only arising due to new technology.
Electronic: Active hearing protection involves sophisticated sensor technology included with the product that allows the user to hear harmless noise, which can often contain important information (commands, signals, etc). Includes 3M headphones with bluetooth pairing and other products with tactical spatial awareness technology.
Accessories: This section contains replacement parts and enhancements for various products in the line. Cords, batteries, pads, validation systems, and more are all here.
Hearing Detection: To determine whether the sound levels in your workplace are dangerous, detection devices can be used to precisely measure the noise levels. Keeping detailed data on the noise that is present in certain areas and during certain processes is a vital part of any hearing protection program.