What's In Your Safety Stack

Your Safety Stack is everything you purchase in your safety program, including the tech gadgets and monthly subscriptions.  Safety is a popular market with many investors and therefore a wide array of technologies.  If you’ve tried some of these and accumulated the cost and upkeep of them, let’s review your Safety Stack.  Think about the vendors that provide you with:

  • Digital Tracking Tools
  • Compliance Systems
  • Policies & Procedures
  • Risk Assessments
  • Online Training
  • Incident Investigations
  • Product Supply
  • SDS Sheets
  • Connected Metrics & Reports

List these vendors, the services they provide and their monthly cost.  Because you may see ways to simplify your program and make it easier to manage.

This does not mean reducing worker safety, this is about staying focused on personal safety by creating simplicity in your program.  Are there gadgets and subscriptions that your company does not need?  If yes, you could shorten your Safety Stack so your program is more cost effective and easier to manage.