Beat The Heat With Active Cooling

We have seen and read one story after another on heat waves and deaths related to the heat. The Barcelona Institute for Global Health (#ISGlobal) just released a study, published in Nature Medicine, that says there were over 47,000 heat related deaths in Europe in 2023. We have a significant problem affecting our everyday lives, but what are possible solutions? OSHA, along with many other global organizations, will emphasize the need for shade, rest and water, and these are important options, but they are not enough. We are an active and busy people when at work, or play. We cant just stop because its hot out, as our need to get things done pushes us forward. So what else can we do?

The right #coolingvest, made with the right cooling technology, can be a very effective personal cooling solution to helping you maintain your productivity, or outdoor recreational activities, safely.  Cooling vests are not a standalone solution, but when added to the mix can be very effective, you just have to get the right one for your needs. There are a variety of evaporative cooling options, phase change material cooling options, fan based options, and others less well known. The two most popular personal cooling technologies, as far as I am aware, are evaporative cooling and phase change material cooling.

When looking at evaporative cooling options, look for something that promotes #activecooling (supercharges your body’s natural cooling process by going beyond evaporating sweat) versus just a wicking material, if you want to maximize the cooling coming from your cooling vest. Some better known vests can generate 0.23 W/cm2 of cooling for anywhere from 5-10 hrs. That is some serious cooling over an extended period of time. Always evaluate your evaporative cooling vest based on cooling capacity and duration. Does it really matter if you get 0.3 W/cm2 for one hour when you have an 8hr shift, or a two hour soccer game plus cool down period? Light, less costly, highly effective, active cooling evaporative cooling vests can make a real difference at work, or play.

Another popular and very effective active cooling vest is a Phase Change Material (PCM) Cooling vest.  These are cost effective and are your only real solution in high humidity environments (85% or greater), or in enclosed environments such as in a hazardous materials suit. A very common temperature is a PCM vest set at 14C or 58F, and they should last for 2-3 hrs., if you are not being short changed on the amount of PCM that comes with the vest.

The technology exists that allows us to make very effective cooling vests, for a variety of environments, but not all cooling vests are the same. Choose wisely.

Ioannis Anastasakis | Founder & CEO | KewlFabric Solutions